A collection of inspiring couples from more than 10 years as a Durham Region wedding photographer.
I can't believe it's been over 10 years. Here is a collection of the wonderful Bride & Grooms I have had the opportunity to work with since opening the doors in 2010. As I continue to grow always and evolve in both knowledge and style, I want to celebrate the last 10 years of wonderful couples and beautiful wedding days I had the opportunity to be a part of.

The beautiful wedding Venues that were featured In this gallery include
Bloomfield Gardens - http://www.bloomfieldgardens.ca/weddings/our-wedding-services/
Deer Creek - http://www.eventsdeercreek.com
Trillium Trails - http://www.trilliumtrails.com
Graydon Hall Manor http://www.graydonhall.com/gallery/weddings/
Nestleton Waters Inn http://www.nestletonwatersinn.com